How can hand moisturizing keep your hands healthy?
hand care

You do everything to take care of your face and skin, but have you given enough thought to your hands? Your hands are the busiest part of the body and probably the most ignored ones. You use your hands for everything from fetching yourself a fresh cup of coffee in the morning to putting off the lights at night. Doesn’t that make it obvious to take care of them just like your face?

The good news is, your hands don’t need a 10-step ritual but a simple hand care regime and a good hand moisturizer. Want to know more? Stay tuned to know the most effective tips to keep your hands healthy and young-looking.

How good skin and hand care can help delay aging signs?

Many things cause the skin to age. Some factors are out of our influence, but others we can control. Our environment and lifestyle have a great impact on how our skin looks. However, with proper skincare, you can prevent premature aging and flaunt young-looking healthy skin.

The same goes for hand care. If age spots, wrinkled skin, or other aging signs are bothering you, you need an effective hand care regime. How? You’ll know later in the blog.

Before jumping to the hand care routine, let’s take the first step, i.e., learning to keep your hands clean and moisturized.

How to keep your hands moisturized and clean?

Say yes if your hands feel really dry because you’re not alone. To keep everyone safe, we have dried out our hands by constantly washing and sanitizing them. However, with harsh soaps and all the alcohol in sanitizer, your hands get prone to extreme dryness and wrinkles. To combat this, you can try the best lotions for frequently washed hands.

Nothing to worry about, as you can keep your hands moisturized by adopting a few simple tips.

  • As soon as you wash your hands, apply hand cream or moisturizer to seal in the moisture.
  • It’s best to use fragrance-free cream as strong fragrances can irritate sensitive skin.
  • Did you know hand sanitizers also come with a moisturizing base? Many popular brands are launching gentler sanitizers that have the goodness of moisturizing ingredients like Aloe Vera.
  • Before going to bed, apply hand cream or any ointment and cover your hands with cotton gloves. This is one of the best ways to moisturize hands. The ointment will moisturize your hands, while the gloves will protect them from any external impurities.

What factors determine your hand care routine?

Did you feel embarrassed when your colleague complained about your dry hands after a handshake? Or you don’t like age spots on your hands? There are several reasons why people opt for a hand care routine, and you should consider these factors while opting for a hand care regimen.

  • Dry hands – As you’ve read, if there’s anything worse than a dead handshake, it’s a handshake with rough and dry skin. If you have extremely dry or flaky hands, try heavy moisturizers and dry skin cream for hands that tend to stay longer on the skin.
  • Brittle nails – Surprised? Why? Your nails are also a part of your hand. If you struggle with damaged cuticles or dry nails, get a hand cream that can work both your hands and nails. Also, it’s best to get a light moisturizer, so your skin easily absorbs the moisture.
  • Damaged and peeling skin – Certain hand washes, moisturizers, and hand cream are formulated with natural ingredients such as almonds, coconut, Aloe Vera, and natural oils. These natural ingredients seep deep down the skin to repair and heal it from within. You can also try deep moisturizing hand cream.

Why is a hand care routine important for healthy and youthful hands?

  1. For hydrating your skin – The skin on the back of your hand is thinner and has fewer oil glands making it more susceptible to dryness. Therefore, it’s advisable to use a hand cream infused with the goodness of Vitamin C and natural oils and stays on your hands for longer.
  1. Cleansing – Your hands are the precious assets you use to communicate with the entire world. While doing so, they become more exposed to invisible germs and bacteria. Thus, most of you use hand sanitizers and hand washes again and again. However, excessive use of hand wash and hand sanitizer can damage the skin of your hands. Hence, it’s recommended to use a high-quality anti-bacterial lotion or best lotion for frequently washed hands to protect your hands from dryness and bacteria as well.
  1. Fight aging – Your face may conceal it, but your hands show the first signs of aging. However, unlike the face, you leave your hands defenseless against the effects of aging. To prevent early signs of aging, you can use a dermatologist-recommended deep moisturizing hand cream to combat age spots, dehydration, and premature aging.
  1. Healthy cuticles – No matter how convincing it may sound, cutting or pushing back the cuticles is not something you should do. Healthy cuticles are essential for healthy nail growth. Applying a natural hand moisturizer will ensure that your cuticles aren’t flaky or dry. In addition, taking care of your cuticles will make them appear shiny and healthy, enhancing your hands’ overall appearance.

Some effective tips to keep your hands young and healthy

  1. Keep your favorite lotion or hand cream right next to your sink and practice the habit of applying it right after you wash your hands.
  2. While applying cream, make sure you massage your nails and cuticles as well.
  3. Rather than buying a big bottle, invest in travel-sized products and keep them in your handbag, office desk, gym bag, and even in your car.
  4. Avoid smoking at all costs. Smoking has not one but many ill effects on your body, including your hands. For example, it may cause your hands to look older and more wrinkled. Want more reasons to quit? Smoking can also stain your fingernails and fingers.
  5. Don’t use extremely hot water to wash your hands and hot water and take away all the natural oils from the skin.
  6. Wear gloves while washing dishes or cleaning home to protect your hands from harmful chemicals, dust, and bacteria.
  7. Before going to bed, apply a moisturizing hand cream and wear cotton gloves. You’ll surely see visible results within a few days.  


Adorning your hands with expensive jewelry and bright nail colors is not enough. Beautiful hands require more than that. Practice these effective tips to keep your hands lovely, young-looking, and healthy.

Investing in a good hand cream is a great way to keep your hands smooth and soft and prevent aging signs. So, say yes to healthy hands now!


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