Dead Sea Body and Face Gift No.1

Dead Sea Body and Face Gift No.1

1 sold

$ 124.00


  • Exfoliant Soap 100 g
  • Mud Soap 100 g
  • Advanced Facial Mud Mask 150 ml
  • Scented Bath Salt (250 g)
  • Body Mud Mask (500g)

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Product Description

Every day should be gratifying, so go for these nature-inspired skin & body treats that we have combined in a complete package. The Body & Face Gift No. 1 is a collection of Skin and Body Care Products comprising the most revitalizing minerals, mud from the Dead Sea, and completely natural ingredients. So indulge in this specially curated collection and grab this hamper to pamper endlessly. The Gift hamper includes:

  1. Exfoliant Soap (100 g): Exfoliant Soap is a combination of natural oils, vitamins, and apricot seeds. powder that acts as an excellent exfoliator resulting in healthy, clear, and pure skin.
  2. Mud Soap (100 g) –: The Mud Soap is all-natural soap rich in Dead Sea salts and minerals. It is highly effective in deep cleansing of the skin, aids in removing excess oils, moisturizing, and tightens the skin.
  3. Advanced Facial Mud Mask (150 ml)-:The Facial Mud Mask is rich in Dead Sea mineral salts that aid in the skin’s natural exfoliation and rejuvenation.
  4. Scented Bath Salt (250 g): The scented bath salt has the best cleansing properties derived from the purest Dead Sea mineral salts. It stimulates circulation and restores the natural skin glow and color.
  5. Body Mud Mask (500g) – Rich in Dead Sea mineral salts, the Mud Mask aids in the skin’s natural exfoliation, deep cleansing, and rejuvenation.


Dimensions 31 × 21 × 7 cm
Number of Items